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our story

My name is TyAnna Anderson and my husband is James.  In the picture on this page you see me, James, our two girls and that I am very pregnant!  This was taken in September 2016.  My due date was to be October 27, 2016.  In preparation for our 3rd child and having our family completed, we moved to a bigger home, prepared the room for our new little love and made sure our girls were ready to become big sisters!  Being, what we expected to be our last pregnancy, we decided not to find out the sex of the baby.  So for us, our little love was referred to as, the baby or whatever someone was guessing the sex would be!


Fast forward October 25, 2016, I take my girls with me to my last prenatal appointment.  We had a normal checkup, heard the baby’s heartbeat 3 different times and saw movement to get away from the cold gel! Tuesday, I took my last tummy picture to post on my online moms group.  In 2 days my mom and sister would be flying up to help with the girls and hoping that their stay would include labor/delivery and our new baby.  Afterwards, additional family would fly in and those who live locally had plans to visit and meet the baby.


October 26, 2016, I followed my same routine.  First stop Starbucks, for a Grande Caramel Frappuccino (my Barista wished me luck and said she didn’t want to see me without our new baby the next visit in), drop the girls off, and start a light day of work.  My Braxton hicks were growing in intensity, so I knew I would go into labor soon.  Later on that day, I stopped feeling the baby move.  I followed protocol, have a sweet snack, eat a carb, lie down for a little, and still nothing.  James was on his way home and thought I should call the hospital just to make sure.  So I did and they had me come in.


On this day, our worst nightmare came into existence! After multiple tries and with 2 ultrasounds to confirm, there was no heartbeat! Just like that, no heartbeat!?  I don’t remember much after that, we were in complete shock.  This scenario was never a thought!  Family rushed in to be by our side and we prayed and hoped for a miracle!


October 27, 2017, around 3am, I delivered my son, James Douglas Anderson III.  He was BEAUTIFUL!  He had a head full of curly black hair, plump cheeks, big hands and feet.  JD weighed in at 8lbs and 6oz and was a whopping 21 inches long.  He was my biggest baby yet, just one thing was so very wrong; he was not breathing!


At this very moment our grieving and healing began!  So many people, family, friends (who are more like family), and strangers flooded us with support!  We had everything from meals, keepsakes for us and our girls, plants, a tree, shrubs, money and much more, donated to help us in our time of complete shock and devastation.  As a part of our continued healing, we would like to pay it forward to families who have experienced the same type of loss.   We would like to provide or direct families to services and support that are helping with our healing.

The founders of the non-profit, James and Ty Anderson
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